Showing posts with label time waters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time waters. Show all posts

Three Reasons Why I Don't Put Prices On My Website

by Adam R Sweet
October 30, 2013

Reason #1

Tire Kickers Love The Game

I sell a lot of stuff on Craigslist and through pages on Google+ and other social bookmarking sites.  I get dozens of inquiries from "tire kickers".  You can tell who they are instantly.  They always start out with "what's the model number" or "what are the other specs" or words to that effect.  They are not looking to purchase or to make a deal, they are often trolls or troglodytes interested more in the game of bargaining you down, or worse, making you feel bad about yourself, than actually doing anything worthwhile.

Reason #2

Tire Kickers Don't Buy Locally

Tire Kickers who are not trolls or troglodytes are not interested in buying locally.  They want you to do the research for them, then they'll bargain someone else down somewhere online "I saw it on Craigslist for $X and got the dude to go down to $x"

Reason #3

Tire Kickers Don't Have The Money In The End

If the tire kickers are not trolls and not interested in a bargain, they probably don't have money anyway.  I've had my share of long winded "negotiations" with people on the internet who always end up saying they don't have the money to afford it "now" but will "keep you in mind" for the future.  Right.