Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts

The Great Divide: Twitter Blue Policy, Checkmarks, and Resistance to Subscribing

Twitter Blue, the social media giant's premium subscription service, recently announced new policy changes and features, creating quite a stir in the online community. Among the most contentious aspects of the updated service is the new checkmark situation, which has left some users displeased with the platform. In this article, we will discuss the details of the new Twitter Blue policy, the checkmark situation, and speculate on the reasons why some users, like you, may not want to subscribe.

Twitter Blue's New Policy

Twitter Blue was initially introduced as a premium service that offered a slew of additional features such as an Undo Send button, Reader Mode, and customizable app icons. However, the new policy changes seem to focus more on verification and visibility rather than improved user experience. As a result, subscribers now have priority in getting verified, and their tweets are more likely to be featured in "Top Tweets" and other curated content, widening the gap between subscribers and non-subscribers.

The Checkmark Situation

The coveted blue checkmark on Twitter is considered a symbol of legitimacy and authority, distinguishing verified accounts of public figures, influencers, and brands from the general users. However, the new policy gives Twitter Blue subscribers priority when it comes to verification, causing an uproar among non-subscribers who see it as a pay-to-win strategy that dilutes the checkmark's value.

While Twitter maintains that the new policy is an attempt to streamline the verification process, many argue that it further entrenches the divide between paying customers and those who opt to use the platform for free. This has led to heated debates about the fairness of the checkmark allocation and the future of the platform's egalitarian ethos.

Why You Might Not Be a Subscriber

There could be several reasons why you choose not to subscribe to Twitter Blue:

  • Cost concerns: Priced at $8 per month, Twitter Blue may not be within everyone's budget, especially when considering the vast array of other paid services vying for users' attention and resources.
  • Dissatisfaction with new features: You may feel that the new features offered by Twitter Blue do not significantly improve your user experience or justify the additional cost.
  • Opposition to the checkmark policy: As a non-subscriber, you may be dissatisfied with the perceived inequity in the verification process, believing that the blue checkmark should be awarded solely on merit rather than a subscription status.
  • Preference for an ad-supported model: Some users might prefer to continue using Twitter's free, ad-supported version rather than pay for an ad-free experience, viewing the ads as a fair trade-off for the platform's services.
  • Ethical concerns: You may be wary of supporting a platform that seems to prioritize profit over a more democratic and equitable user experience, prompting you to distance yourself from the subscription service.

While Twitter Blue's new policy and checkmark situation have certainly sparked debate, it is important to recognize that individual preferences and needs vary. For some users, the premium features offered by Twitter Blue may provide a more enjoyable and efficient experience, whereas others may choose to continue using the platform without subscribing, either for financial or ethical reasons. As with any service, the decision to subscribe ultimately boils down to personal preference and how the features align with individual priorities and values. 

#TwitterBlue #CheckmarkDebate #VerificationControversy #ToSubscribeOrNot

Copyright 2023 Adam R Sweet. All Rights Reserved.

Review of my Studio policies

An unfortunate incident occurred yesterday, where a student canceled at the last minute.  Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but since this student had a special arrangement where they pay each time they come to a lesson, the backlash was significant.  Because of the scheduled time of their lesson, my wife had to leave one of the busiest days at work to come home and take care of our son.  Halloween is a very busy time at UMass, and she forfeited her normal time plus overtime pay to be here for me, and my student.  So not only did we lose my wife's income for that time period, but we lost the income from the student.

Because of this incident, I feel I must reiterate my Studio policies:

Private Lessons are one hour (60 minutes) a week (unless otherwise indicated), 50 weeks a year.  Students are required to pay every 4 weeks.  Classes are taught in 25 week "semesters", leaving the last week of each semester open for makeups.  There are two recitals a year in January and June.  The calendar looks like this:
  •     January: 1 week of makeups, 1 week vacation, Recital on the 3rd Saturday of the Month
  •     Feb, Mar, Apr, May
  •     June: Recital on the 3rd Saturday of the Month, 1 week of makeups
  •     July: 1 week of vacation (usually the 2nd week of July)
  •     Special arrangements may be made on an individual basis with your teacher
There are no makeups if a student misses a class for whatever reason, the student must pay for an additional makeup as they would for an extra class.  There are no exceptions to this rule.  If I miss a class due to illness or other emergency, the makeups will be completed during the last week of each semester at no additional charge to the student.  If a student can't make a scheduled class due to inclement weather, classes may be attended by Skype or Google Hangouts.

The cost of Private Lessons depends on the age and student status.  Discounts are available for Senior Citizens (65 and older) and College Students with a valid (current) student ID. 

Private Instruction Tuition:
  •     Regular Private (60 minute) Lessons: $240 every four weeks
  •     Regular Private (30 minute) Lessons: $120 every four weeks
  •     Senior Citizens (65 or older): $220 every four weeks
  •     College Students (with current ID): $200 every four weeks
Group Class Tuition:
  •     90 minute Adult Group Classes: $100 every four weeks 
Tuition is due at the first scheduled class of each month, or 25 week semester.  If not received within the first two classes of the month, a $10 late fee will be added to your account.  There are no bills sent out unless tuition is past due, then we will notify you by email, so please make sure we have your current email address.

    Semester I: September - January 10, Recital 3rd Saturday in January
    Semester II: February - August, Recital 3rd Saturday in June

There are no senior or student discounts available for Group Classes at this time.  If you are currently taking Private Lessons, you may be eligible for a bulk rate.  Please ask.