Showing posts with label online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online. Show all posts

All private lessons, workshops and classes will be online until further notice (4/6/22) Item purchases and rentals will be curbside

Due to a recent uptick in coronavirus cases including a dangerous new strain called COVIDXE, all classes, workshops and private lessons will be online.  Item purchases and rentals will be curbside, socially distanced with masks as well.

All private lessons, workshops and classes will be online until further notice (4/6/22) Item purchases and rentals will be curbside

Due to a recent uptick in coronavirus cases including a dangerous new strain called COVIDXE, all classes, workshops and private lessons will be online.  Item purchases and rentals will be curbside, socially distanced with masks as well.

COVID Update

The pandemic has been very long and quite frankly depressing. As many of you know, I am not able to be in the presence of others unless they are multi-layered with masks and PPE due to underlying conditions. I was hoping, that after the 3rd dose of the vaccine, I would be protected well enough so that I could resume in person lessons. I have since been instructed by my family medicine provider, that it is best if I stay remote if at all possible. To that end, all private lessons will continue to be remote. Group classes, such as the mandolin group that typically meets Monday nights and the Celtic group that typically meets Thursday nights will remain offline until further notice. My deepest and most sincere apologies for this situation. I wish it were different.  Thank you for your patience.

Adam Sweet

COVID Update

The pandemic has been very long and quite frankly depressing. As many of you know, I am not able to be in the presence of others unless they are multi-layered with masks and PPE due to underlying conditions. I was hoping, that after the 3rd dose of the vaccine, I would be protected well enough so that I could resume in person lessons. I have since been instructed by my family medicine provider, that it is best if I stay remote if at all possible. To that end, all private lessons will continue to be remote. Group classes, such as the mandolin group that typically meets Monday nights and the Celtic group that typically meets Thursday nights will remain offline until further notice. My deepest and most sincere apologies for this situation. I wish it were different.  Thank you for your patience.

Adam Sweet

Online YouTube LIVE Workshops

Online Youtube LIVE Workshops
This is the new format in this time of Covid-19 and social distancing!  Workshops will be held every week on YouTube LIVE until we are able to gather again.

The Workshop URLs will be posted in the SWEET MUSIC STUDIO Facebook group .  If you are not a member of that Facebook group you should go to that page and request to join.  You will be accepted as long it looks like you are a human with no bad intentions.  Anyone can join.
Workshop URLs will be posted in the group prior to the online event.  Here is a list:
  1. Mondays - mandolin for beginners
  2. Tuesdays - introduction to fiddle
  3. Wednesdays - advanced mandolin classical music (students only)
  4. Thursdays - celtic group (students only)
If you appreciate what work I've done either on my blog or any Workshops or YouTube videos I've posted, a DONATION would be greatly appreciated.

To donate:
  • If using PayPal, the best way to do it is follow the instructions on this page.  
  • If using Venmo, the best way to do it is to follow instructions on this page
Become a Patron
If you would like to support me on a monthly basis, you become a Patron, and follow the link on the sidebar to my Patreon page.  Here are some additional pointers.

Pay for Lessons
I would like all students to use Venmo when paying for lessons.  If this is the first time you are using it, please follow the instructions to download the app to your phone and set it up here.  If I am not in your contacts list, let me know and I will send you my contact information.

Questions?  Contact us

(When life is normal these sessions take place in person at our studio in Granby, MA.)

For our Chinese friends:

在线YouTube LIVE讲习班

这是Covid-19和社交疏远时代的新格式! 每周都会在YouTube LIVE上举办研讨会,直到我们再次聚会为止。

研讨会URL将发布在SWEET MUSIC STUDIO Facebook组中。 如果您不是该Facebook组的成员,则应转到该页面并请求加入。 只要您看起来像是一个没有恶意的人,您就会被接受。 任何人都可以加入。
研讨会URL将在在线活动之前发布到组中。 这是一个清单:

您可以在会议期间通过Paypal(在此处登录)代替小费,直接发送至Sweet Music的Paypal电子邮件。 选择“发送给您信任的人”,这样一来,他们的费用就不会增加。*

这就是我们在艰难的巡回演出和表演音乐家期间如何帮助Sweet Music的方法。



有什么问题吗 联系我们


For Our Korean Friends:
온라인 YouTube 라이브 워크샵

이것은 Covid-19와 사회 소외의 시대를위한 새로운 형식입니다! 우리가 다시 만날 때까지 주간 세미나가 YouTube LIVE에서 열립니다.

세미나 URL은 SWEET MUSIC STUDIO Facebook 그룹에 게시됩니다. 이 Facebook 그룹의 회원이 아닌 경우이 페이지로 이동하여 가입을 요청해야합니다. 악의가없는 사람처럼 보이는 한, 귀하는 받아 들여질 것입니다. 누구나 가입 할 수 있습니다.
온라인 행사 전에 세미나 URL이 그룹에 게시됩니다. 이것은 목록입니다 :
월요일 초급 만돌린
화요일-바이올린 소개
금요일 블루 그래스 소개

미팅 중 팁 대신 Paypal (여기에서 로그인)을 사용하여 Sweet Music의 Paypal 이메일 : sweetmusic@protonmail.com으로 직접 보낼 수 있습니다. 비용이 증가하지 않도록 "신뢰할 수있는 사람에게 보내기"를 선택하십시오. *

투어와 공연이 어려운 뮤지션에서 Sweet Music을 돕는 방법입니다.

연주하는 동안 헤드폰을 착용하면 더 잘들을 수 있습니다

* Paypal에서 sweetmusic@protonmail.com을 입력하고 $ 금액을 입력 한 다음 "계속"을 클릭하고 "신뢰할 수있는 사람에게 보내기"를 선택하십시오

질문이 있으십니까?

(일반적으로이 과정은 매사추세츠 그랜 비에있는 스튜디오에서 직접 진행됩니다.)