Showing posts with label newfoundland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label newfoundland. Show all posts

Newfoundland Dancing And Music from Fogo Island in the 1990s

A very lively video of an old fashioned Newfoundland kitchen party featuring Fogo Islands most well known accordion players, Harry Eveleigh, Pat Freake, Harvey Budgell. Which took place somewhere within the early 90's on Fogo Island, Newfoundland.

Some of the tunes played (not in order)
- Off She Goes
- Cock Of The North
- Mussels In The Corner
- Boys Of The Bunkhouse
- I'se Da Bye

These clips were taken from "Fogo Island, my Island home" movie published and produced by Gerald Freake.

Going Back To My Roots, To Discover My Musical Heritage

The Sweets were Tories during the Revolutionary War.  They fled to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia during the conflict.  They became ship captains, ship builders, carpenters and later bone setters and doctors.  Their music would have been the Maritime music of Cape Breton and Newfoundland.

The Merry Family was strictly Protestant.  The only music they enjoyed was devotional and that was strictly controlled.  They basically had no music other than what was allowed in church.

The Kieltys were Scotts-Irish, originally from western Scotland, the land settled by the Gaels in pre-colonial times.  Their music would have been the music of the Celts using bagpipes, fiddles, fifes and drums for war and good times.