Showing posts with label dick melikian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dick melikian. Show all posts

Pay To Play Policy - American Federation of Musicians - Local 171 (Springfield, MA)

Hello Adam,
Thanks for your email.
Playing engagements without any receiving any compensation is contrary to the principles of the AFM and the Locals. Absent a signed Agreement with any employer, venue, etc., we have no leverage, legal or otherwise, to require them to make certain guaranteed payments to musicians they may hire.
Without a signed Agreement with the Local musicians must negotiate with employers, club owners, etc., for the wages they receive for playing an engagement at various venues. Members should not play below scale on any engagement. The Local scales/rates have been established by the members and are used as a guide to the minimum compensation members should receive on engagements within this Local jurisdiction. The scales are considered as being reasonable and are used as a minimum only. Members can charge any wages higher than the Local scales/rates.
Attached is a copy of the AFM By Laws, Local 171 By Laws and Local Wage Scales. I don't expect you to read through all the pages, but you may want to look through them and use them as a reference.
Hope this helps.

Dick Melikian, President
Local 171
American Federation of Musicians
640 Page Boulevard
Springfield, MA 01104
"Adam Sweet" <>

I am a union member and want to know the Union's policy on pay to play venues.  Is there any repercussions for venues that don't pay or offer to pay Union members standard Union rates?

Also, is there a list somewhere of standard rates?

Thank you for your time,

Adam R Sweet

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