Showing posts with label bluegrass music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bluegrass music. Show all posts

Announcing: New Schedule Starting in June 2018

Our current schedule is 6-9pm M-F in Holyoke, and Sundays 1-4pm in Keene.  Starting in June (actual date tbd), we will be offering the following schedule:

M-F 4-5, 5-6, 6-7 for Private Lessons and 7-9 for Group Classes.

We will be offering three new Group Classes starting in June.  Registrations are being accepted now as there is limited seating (each class will be limited to 5 persons).  Use the contact form on the sidebar to RSVP. 

Monday 7-9pm
Advanced Mandolin Group Class

Tuesday 7-9pm
Klezmer Group Class

Wednesday 7-9pm
Mandolin for Beginners Group Class

Thursday 7-9
Celtic Music Group Class

Friday 7-9
Bluegrass Music Group Class

Sunday 4-6pm (in Keene only)
Mandolin Group Class

Western Mass Bluegrass!

Western Massachusetts has always been a great place for bluegrass music.  In the 1970s, there were the first bluegrass festivals: Berkshire Mountain Bluegrass Festival, Pickin In The Pines and Falcon Ridge.  Later, in the 1980s, the Iron Horse became a destination spot for bluegrass musicians that were touring through the area.  And all through the 1990s and early 2000s, bluegrass bands and fans have been keeping it real and live in the Pioneer Valley!

And we're doing our part!  Come to the Third Sunday Bluegrass Jam and Potluck Dinner!

Held the third Sunday of every month at the home of Emily and Adam R Sweet in South Hadley, MA.

It meets the Third Sunday of every month at 5pm. If the weather is nice, we are outside in back (either on the porch or on the grass under the trees). If the weather is not so nice, we are upstairs in the studio. Take the stairs to the left of the garage and go in the door at the top. There's limited space, so first come first served and all that!

It's an open jam, which means anyone can come, regardless of age and ability. If you just want to sit in back and listen, you are welcome also.

Please bring an entree or a salad. We'll provide dessert and beverages. BYOB and clean up your bottles after please.

To RSVP and get directions, visit Adam's website: and use the form on the contact page, or just email any time!