Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

The Ballad of April's Birth by Adam R Sweet

Come hear a tale of April's birth,

When winter fades and spring takes berth,

When flowers bloom and birds take flight,

And all the world's aglow with light.

The air is filled with sweet perfume,

As nature bursts from winter's gloom,

And in the fields the lambs are born,

A symbol of the season's morn.

The sun shines brighter every day,

And melts the snow and ice away,

The rivers flow and dance with glee,

And all the world is wild and free.

Renewal's felt in every soul,

As all the world begins to roll,

And life begins anew again,

As springtime's joy is felt by men.

So raise your voice and sing with glee,

As nature's beauty fills our sea,

And let the optimism flow,

As April's magic starts to glow.

By Adam R Sweet.  Copyright 2023.  All Rights Reserved

#AprilRenewal #SpringOptimism #NatureReborn #NewBeginnings

The Ballad of April's Birth by Adam R Sweet

Come hear a tale of April's birth,

When winter fades and spring takes berth,

When flowers bloom and birds take flight,

And all the world's aglow with light.

The air is filled with sweet perfume,

As nature bursts from winter's gloom,

And in the fields the lambs are born,

A symbol of the season's morn.

The sun shines brighter every day,

And melts the snow and ice away,

The rivers flow and dance with glee,

And all the world is wild and free.

Renewal's felt in every soul,

As all the world begins to roll,

And life begins anew again,

As springtime's joy is felt by men.

So raise your voice and sing with glee,

As nature's beauty fills our sea,

And let the optimism flow,

As April's magic starts to glow.

By Adam R Sweet.  Copyright 2023.  All Rights Reserved

#AprilRenewal #SpringOptimism #NatureReborn #NewBeginnings

Cherish every moment, hand in hand by Adam R Sweet

In memory of the first week of spring,

Whose passing leaves us sad and feeling low,

For winter's grip is still a powerful thing,

And lifeless landscapes still refuse to grow.

But do not fret, for hope is still alive,

And though it may seem distant, far away,

The world will soon awaken and revive,

And burst with colors, bright and full of play.

The first week of spring may now be gone,

But its legacy lives on, in every seed,

That waits to sprout and grow, in fields and lawns,

And every little bird, that flits with speed.

So let us celebrate, this life so grand,

And cherish every moment, hand in hand.

Copyright 2023 by Adam R Sweet.

#spring #elegy #poetry #nature #hope #renewal #life #beauty #love #wonder

Cherish every moment, hand in hand by Adam R Sweet

In memory of the first week of spring,

Whose passing leaves us sad and feeling low,

For winter's grip is still a powerful thing,

And lifeless landscapes still refuse to grow.

But do not fret, for hope is still alive,

And though it may seem distant, far away,

The world will soon awaken and revive,

And burst with colors, bright and full of play.

The first week of spring may now be gone,

But its legacy lives on, in every seed,

That waits to sprout and grow, in fields and lawns,

And every little bird, that flits with speed.

So let us celebrate, this life so grand,

And cherish every moment, hand in hand.

Copyright 2023 by Adam R Sweet.

#spring #elegy #poetry #nature #hope #renewal #life #beauty #love #wonder

Ode to the First Week of Spring

Oh, first week of spring, how sweet your return,

With golden sun and gentle breeze in tow,

As nature's gifts, so long asleep, re-learn

To grow, and thrive, and blossom, and glow.

The trees once bare, now full of life and grace,

The birdsong, sweet and lovely to the ear,

A symphony of beauty takes its place,

As life returns, triumphant, without fear.

The world is reborn, in colors bright and bold,

The earth, a canvas, painted by the divine,

And with each new day, a story to be told,

Of beauty, love, and wonder, so sublime.

So let us cherish this time of new birth,

And bask in nature's glory and her mirth.

Copyright 2023 by Adam R Sweet.

#spring #ode #poetry #nature #beauty #renewal #life #blossom #love #wonder

Ode to the First Week of Spring

Oh, first week of spring, how sweet your return,

With golden sun and gentle breeze in tow,

As nature's gifts, so long asleep, re-learn

To grow, and thrive, and blossom, and glow.

The trees once bare, now full of life and grace,

The birdsong, sweet and lovely to the ear,

A symphony of beauty takes its place,

As life returns, triumphant, without fear.

The world is reborn, in colors bright and bold,

The earth, a canvas, painted by the divine,

And with each new day, a story to be told,

Of beauty, love, and wonder, so sublime.

So let us cherish this time of new birth,

And bask in nature's glory and her mirth.

Copyright 2023 by Adam R Sweet.

#spring #ode #poetry #nature #beauty #renewal #life #blossom #love #wonder

A Villanelle: In Verdant Fields. By Adam R Sweet

In verdant fields, the first blooms of spring,

Renewal's touch upon the earth's embrace,

Nature's symphony, awakening.

The birdsong, sweet, upon the air does ring,

A gentle breeze, the flowers' sweet grace,

In verdant fields, the first blooms of spring.

The sun, more radiant, a golden king,

Its warmth reviving, as if a new race,

Nature's symphony, awakening.

The snows have melted, no more to cling,

As buds unfurl, in their vernal space,

In verdant fields, the first blooms of spring.

This time of year, what hope does it bring,

With promise of a bright, verdant place,

Nature's symphony, awakening.

So let us savor this time, while it's reigning,

In these moments, we find a special trace,

In verdant fields, the first blooms of spring,

Nature's symphony, awakening.

Copyright 2023 by Adam R Sweet.

#spring #poetry #villanelle #nature #awakening #renewal #verdant #bloom

A Villanelle: In Verdant Fields. By Adam R Sweet

In verdant fields, the first blooms of spring,

Renewal's touch upon the earth's embrace,

Nature's symphony, awakening.

The birdsong, sweet, upon the air does ring,

A gentle breeze, the flowers' sweet grace,

In verdant fields, the first blooms of spring.

The sun, more radiant, a golden king,

Its warmth reviving, as if a new race,

Nature's symphony, awakening.

The snows have melted, no more to cling,

As buds unfurl, in their vernal space,

In verdant fields, the first blooms of spring.

This time of year, what hope does it bring,

With promise of a bright, verdant place,

Nature's symphony, awakening.

So let us savor this time, while it's reigning,

In these moments, we find a special trace,

In verdant fields, the first blooms of spring,

Nature's symphony, awakening.

Copyright 2023 by Adam R Sweet.

#spring #poetry #villanelle #nature #awakening #renewal #verdant #bloom

March: The End of Winter and the Beginning of Spring

As the winter season comes to an end, March marks the beginning of a new chapter - Spring. The trees start to show signs of life again, and the air is filled with the sweet aroma of fresh flowers blooming. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings, and we eagerly look forward to this time of year with great anticipation.

For many of us, winter can be a challenging time. The short days, the long nights, and the cold weather can be draining, both physically and emotionally. But, as March rolls around, we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The days start to get longer, and the temperature starts to rise. It is as if nature is coming back to life again, and with it, so are we.

As the snow melts away, we start to see the first signs of spring. The grass starts to turn green, the birds start to chirp, and the flowers start to bloom. It is a time of beauty and wonder, and we can't help but feel uplifted by it all.

March also brings with it a sense of optimism and hope. We start to plan our gardens, and we look forward to spending time outside again. We start to dream of lazy afternoons in the sun, and we eagerly await the first barbecue of the year.

March is a magical time of year. It is the end of winter and the beginning of spring, and it is a time of renewal and new beginnings. As we say goodbye to the cold and dark winter months, we eagerly embrace the warmth and light of spring. So, let's all take a deep breath and enjoy the beauty of this new season, as we look forward to what the future has in store.

March: The End of Winter and the Beginning of Spring

As the winter season comes to an end, March marks the beginning of a new chapter - Spring. The trees start to show signs of life again, and the air is filled with the sweet aroma of fresh flowers blooming. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings, and we eagerly look forward to this time of year with great anticipation.

For many of us, winter can be a challenging time. The short days, the long nights, and the cold weather can be draining, both physically and emotionally. But, as March rolls around, we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The days start to get longer, and the temperature starts to rise. It is as if nature is coming back to life again, and with it, so are we.

As the snow melts away, we start to see the first signs of spring. The grass starts to turn green, the birds start to chirp, and the flowers start to bloom. It is a time of beauty and wonder, and we can't help but feel uplifted by it all.

March also brings with it a sense of optimism and hope. We start to plan our gardens, and we look forward to spending time outside again. We start to dream of lazy afternoons in the sun, and we eagerly await the first barbecue of the year.

March is a magical time of year. It is the end of winter and the beginning of spring, and it is a time of renewal and new beginnings. As we say goodbye to the cold and dark winter months, we eagerly embrace the warmth and light of spring. So, let's all take a deep breath and enjoy the beauty of this new season, as we look forward to what the future has in store.