Happy Great Poetry Reading Day (April 28th)!


By Adam Sweet

On the twenty-eighth of April's gleam,
We honor words that dance and dream.
Through stanzas long and verses small,
Great Poetry Reading Day calls to all.

In gardens green or rooms so still,
We read aloud with voice and thrill.
Each line a voyage, bold and new,
Across the sea of deepest blue.

With Frost's paths diverging in the wood,
And Angelou's caged birds understood,
We travel through the poet's eyes,
And under their penned skies we rise.

So gather 'round, each child and sage,
The world becomes our open page.
For today, in verse, we all unite,
And in the poetic realm take flight.

Now let's conclude with a visual treat,
A scene where words and nature meet:
A peaceful garden where readers gather,
Bound by poetry, forever after.