Romani Music: Taraf de Haidouks

 One of my favorite bands is Taraf de Haidouks.  They  are a Romanian-Romani taraf (a troupe of lăutari, traditional musicians) from Clejani, Romania, and one of the most prominent such groups in post-Communist era Romania. In the Western world they have become known by the name given to them in French-speaking areas, where they are known as Taraf de Haïdouks.

Since the release of its first album back in 1991, Taraf de Haïdouks has been considered the epitome of Romany music's vitality. Their polyphonic sound incorporates instruments such as the violin, double drum, accordion, flute, cimbalom, double bass and some wind instruments.

In 2007, the band released their album, Maskarada, in which they reinterpret and "re-gypsify" pieces by 20th-century classical composers (such as Bartók, Khachaturian and Kodály) who drew inspiration from national folklore and often borrowed from Roma styles.

Some of the core members of the group:

Nicolae Neacșu ("Culai"): violin, vocals; born 1924; died September 2002 (age 78)[2]
Dumitru Baicu ("Cacurică"): cimbalom, vocals; born 1931; died September 2007 (age 76)[3]
Ilie Iorga: vocals; actually from Mârşă, near Clejani; born 1928; died June 2012 (age 84)
Ion Manole ("Şaică" or "Boşorogu"): violin, vocals; born 1920; died May 2002 (age 82)
Gheorghe Anghel ("Caliu"): violin
Gheorghe Fălcaru ("Fluierici"): flute, double bass; born 1954; died September 2016 (age 62)
Ionică Tănase: cimbalom
Constantin Sandu ("Dinu"): cimbalom, vocals
Florea Pârvan: double bass
Marin Sandu ("Țagoe"): accordion
Paul Guiclea ("Pașalan"): voice, violin; born 28.01.1932; died September 13, 2018 (age 86)
Marin Manole ("Marius"): accordion
Constantin Lăutaru ("Costică Boieru"): violin, voice; born 26.09.1956; died 07.12.2021 (age 65)
Viorel Vlad: double bass
Robert Gheorghe: violin