Website experiment

Adam with student
As some of you know, I experimented with having a website in addition to the blog.  I felt that I was spending a lot of money every month with zero ROI.  As a former national sales manager, I know that this kind of profit model can't sustain. 

I had established a six month budget which including $$ for Facebook and Google ads, the cost of the domain and the rental of the host. 

After the time was up, when I had not sold any products nor acquired new students (through the website), I sat down with my investors (my wife and older son) and we decided the best thing to do was to take down the new website and keep the blog.  This way I can continue to write about topics that interest me as well as include links to various projects and podcasts, without costing additional money (other than the annual domain name). 

For what it's worth, Blogger, while being an older blogging platform (more than 10 years old) and somewhat antiquated, works as it should.  It's easy to set up and easy to use.

So I am back to the old URL:  The email is the same: as is the phone # (text only please): 413-200-2628

Thank you, as always, for your patience as I struggle along!

Adam Sweet