Sweet Mandolin Ensemble

Sweet Mandolin Ensemble by Deb Noyes
A vote was cast, and the string sextet formerly known as the South Hadley Mandolin Orchestra is now permanently named the Sweet Mandolin Ensemble (SME)! 

We apologize for any confusion.  To explain, the group has gone through many changes as Adam Sweet has also moved his studio several times in the past six years.  But now that he's at his permanent location in Granby, it makes sense to make the name permanent as well.

Several names were put up to the vote:

  • If It Ain't Baroque - (by Keith H.), got several votes mostly for it's entertaining aspect
  • Dolce Ensemble - (by Mieko C.), got several votes
  • Sweet Mandolin Ensemble - (by Nancy K.), ultimately got the most votes
  • Mandolin New England - (by Will M.), is currently being used by the group comprised of area colleagues and members of Joshua Bell's L'Esperance Ensemble.  Even though we all liked it, it would be confusing to have both.
  • There were other suggestions that didn't get into the running, so I'll not mention them here.
To celebrate the name change and Adam's new (and final) studio location, the ensemble will be performing the World's Premiere Performance of the Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 for 2 Mandolas by a mandolin ensemble, AND Mozart's Dissonance Quartet at Porter Phelps Museum in Hadley, Mass. on Sunday, July 28 at 2:30pm.

Adam Sweet playing "The Whale" by Mando Mo Strings
The Ensemble will be performing on several Mando Mo Strings instruments including "The Whale", a hand-carved F5-style Mandocello.  

Hope you can make it!