AD200 Beginning of High Kingship at Tara, Meath.
377 - 405 Niall of the Nine Hostages, High King
432 St Patrick comes as a Christian Missionary.
795 Vikings attack the Irish Coast
852 Norse occupy Dublin and Waterford
900 - 908 Cormac MacCullenan, King of Cashel
940 - 1014 Reign of High King, Brian Boru, killed at Battle of Clontarf
1119 - 1156 Turlough Mor O Conor, High King
1134 - 1171 Dermot MacMurrough, King of Leinster
1166 - 1175 Rory O Conor, last native High King of Ireland
1170 Arrival of the Normans
1258 Gallowglasses ( mercenaries ) come to Ulster from Scotland
1366 Statutes of Kilkenny enacted to prevent Anglo-Normans from
integrating with Irish by using the language, laws or customs
1376 - 1411 Art MacMurrough, King of Leinster
1460 Irish Parliamentary independance declared
1477 - 1513 Ireland ruled by Garret Mor Fitzgerald, Earl of Kildare
1513 - 1534 Ireland ruled by Garret Oge Fitzgerald, Earl of Kildare
1536 Anglo-Irish parliament acknowledges Henry 8th of England as
King of Ireland. Suppression of Monasteries.
1569 - 1583 Revolt of the Fitzgeralds, Earls of Desmond
1588 Spanish Armada wrecked off Irish coast
1592 Trinity College Dublin founded
1594 Beginning of Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, nine year war
against the English
1598 Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone and Rory O Donnell, Earl of
Tyrconnell, defeat the English at the battle of Yellow Ford
1602 Irish, reinforced by Spanish, defeated at Kinsale
1607 Flight of Irish Earls to Spain, led by O Neill and O Donnell
1608 - 1610 British colony founded in Ulster
1641 Rising, which begins in Ulster, spreads
1649 - 1651 Cromwellians devastate Ireland
1660 Restoration of Charles 2nd
1689 Seige of Derry
1689 James 2nd loses English throne to his nephew and son in law,
William of Orange
1690 Having rallied a Jacobite Army in Ireland, James 2nd, deposed
Stuart king, is defeated at the Battle of the Boyne by
William of Orange
1691 11,000 "Wild Geese" soldiers sail for France
1692 - 1829 Exclusion of all Catholics from Parliament and professions
1695 Penal Laws enforced
1778 Irish Volunteers organise
1782 Independant Dublin Parliament
1791 Society of Irishmen founded
1798 Rising takes place
1800 Act of Union. Ireland loses its independant parliament
1829 Catholic Emancipation is inspired by Daniel O Connell
1842 - 1848 Young Ireland Movement
1845 - 1847 The Great Famine. Population falls from 8 million to 6 and a
half million
1867 Fenian Uprising
1877 - 1891 Charles Parnell
1916 Easter Rising
1918 - 1921 Anglo Irish War
1920 Six counties in Ulster vote themselves out of Ireland

Copied from a handout given out at a meeting of the Irish Family History
Society in Liverpool.