Morris Dancing With Stick In The Mist - An Open Invitation

Hello Adam -

Forgive the delay in checking in with you and your students. I was eaten by the holidays!

I just wanted to say thank you for letting our group come in and perform for your students.  I hope they had as much of a good time as we did!  If any of them, including yourself, would ever like to come play for us we'd love to have you. You need not commit to every weekend! Although it you would like to dance out with us for May Day or the other May celebrations, it would be a good idea to come at least a few practices before hand so you have a feel for how the group performs.

If 11:00 AM on Sundays is difficult, both the Morning Glory Girls Garland (who start at 1:00) and Harts Brook Garland Women (who start at 2:00) also practice at Whately Elementary on Sundays and both are also in great need for a musician (their practices start on 1/13).  You could come play for all three and really have fun with the May festivities!   The girls will be learning a dance to the tune of Simple Gifts. "They will also be dancing to "Off to California."  I could get the music to any interested students. Remind them we don't require them to be professional level. And playing morris tunes means repeating the music over and over so they'd really have an opportunity to learn a few songs solid by the end of the season.

We and Borderline, another Morris team, will be performing in Northampton on New Years eve (around 5:30). If you're there, stop by and say hello!

With Dancing Joy,